Words Worth (book reviews)
benji: Hi Jack sorry to see the posts are still scarce and sorry I havn't dropped in more often. United are not giving you any joy either. I suppose you saw the Liverpool thriller what an embarrasment I hope they can pick themselves up for the Spurs game on Sat
Oct 28, 2021 19:40:01 GMT -1
jackaitch: Good morning Benji so happy to see a posting ( I still check every morning( yes it was a disgusting exebition last Sat Liverpoool All the yellow cards did not help and Ronaldo what can I say??? TV covered it too for all the worlld to see
Oct 29, 2021 10:35:57 GMT -1
benji: Hi Jack nice to hear you have a look at at my post and give me your opinion! Do you think Ronaldo is good for United or is he the trouble. Pogba is the problem i think. I hope Ole can turn thing round dont you.
Oct 29, 2021 19:56:51 GMT -1
jackaitch: I have never thought much of Pogba....mainly because he is from France...they do not develope quality players of the game.I do believe he is a troublemaker in the dressing room...Will find out more later today with Spurs
Oct 30, 2021 10:24:10 GMT -1
jackaitch: Another of those weekends without a game on TV.....makes life miserable....at least for me
Nov 14, 2021 11:11:21 GMT -1
benji: United used have a bit of fire but it seems to have gone out. Who is going to reignite it Jack?
Nov 21, 2021 21:27:34 GMT -1
jackaitch: Personnaly I am thinking Michael Carrick will do the same kind of managing & coaching as the Ole....He has been with Utd all his football life
Nov 23, 2021 12:53:59 GMT -1
jackaitch: Carrick cannot win them all without winning the first one ,,,,,so he did.....Well done
Nov 24, 2021 11:09:31 GMT -1
jackaitch: Would not surprise me if they did the same as the Spurs a few weeks ago.It see,s as though that happened a few times in Premier League
Nov 25, 2021 13:07:38 GMT -1
jackaitch: See,s....take the coma out replace with letter M for seem,.............on last posting
Nov 25, 2021 13:09:34 GMT -1
benji: What do you think of the new United coach Jack, I think he is Evil.... E Vil make them WIN!
Nov 26, 2021 20:43:09 GMT -1
jackaitch: These people at the top of United must know more than the ordinary man.At least Pochi has a record with Spurs .I have never liked germans in sports Wenger,Becker,Langer and Klopp (who never looks clean)Remember when they were called" squareheads"
Nov 27, 2021 11:44:03 GMT -1
jackaitch: Carrick has unbeaten record as manager...He should have been given a longer term to show his abilty to lead the team...Best of luck Michael
Dec 3, 2021 1:36:34 GMT -1
jackaitch: I would like to wish anyone who might happen to visit this site....A Very Happy Christmas....
Dec 23, 2021 11:02:18 GMT -1
jackaitch: they will have to get on their bikes to do so.It seems their play is good enough but lacks the finish.somebody has to find the net
Mar 1, 2022 10:44:19 GMT -1
benji: It is going to be a long time before you see United great again Jack. They promised a lot but didnt deliver. There will have to be a clearout!
May 24, 2022 19:29:03 GMT -1